Broomwood Primary School

Dr Louise Owen
Dr Louise Owen, Headteacher

Mainwood Road
WA15 7JU

Telephone: 0161 912 5609

Louise has been a qualified teacher for 25 years within Primary Education. She has worked within three different local authorities and has held senior positions in three different schools. She has been a head teacher for 15 years and is currently the head teacher of Broomwood Primary School in Trafford.

Louise has supported a school that went into special measures in an executive capacity and she has been a facilitator on management courses with Best Practice. She currently holds a Quality Assurance and mentor role within Trafford and sits on the Funding Forum to represent other head teachers in the local authority.

Louise has a Doctorate in Education and holds the National Professional Qualification in Education Leadership. She has recently gained a PGCert in Trauma and Attachment and is currently completing a course in coaching.